Singletude: A Positive Blog for Singles

Singletude is a positive, supportive singles blog about life choices for the new single majority. It's about dating and relationships, yes, but it's also about the other 90% of your life--family, friends, career, hobbies--and flying solo and sane in this crazy, coupled world. Singletude isn't about denying loneliness. It's about realizing that whether you're single by choice or by circumstance, this single life is your life to live.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Two Singletude Posts Appear at Rants 'n Reviews

The following Singletude posts have been featured in a blog carnival at Rants 'n Reviews:

"Marry Him" by Lori Gottlieb: A Singletude Response
It's a Wedding, Not a Coronation

The carnival at Rants 'n Reviews showcases politically and sociopolitically charged rants. Point your browser there and take a look!


bobbyboy said...

Fantastic Elsie! I have taken a look at a few that another blogger I know writes for. Maybe you should check them out also?

Clever Elsie said...

Bobby: Oooo, thanks! I always appreciate tips like that. :D